For Children
It can be a really upsetting and scary time if you are going through a difficult time or struggling with everyday life. We can help you understand that you're not alone and will offer you the support you deserve if we are the right service for you. It is important to remember that everyone’s mental health is different. Here are 10 top tips you could try:
Lots of things can affect your mental health, such as:
- Pressure with School
- Conflicts with parents or carers
- Job or money pressures
- Peer pressure/trying to fit in
- Balancing expectations of self, peers, parents and family
- Bullying, at school, home or online/social media
- Self image and body issues
Mental health challenges that can affect you, may include:
- Anxiety
- Depression
- Eating Disorders
- Schizophrenia
- Substance Use
- Self-Harm
- Low Mood
- Panic
It is possible that you could experience more than one of these problems. It is important to remember that everyone’s experiences are different, even if they have the same diagnosis.
Mental and emotional health is a part of everybody’s life. People know that going to a gym and staying physically fit and well is important. We want to work with you to be your personal trainer to help you to develop strong and flexible mental wellbeing. It is not about being happy all the time, it is about being able to weather the storm when things get tough as they do sometimes in life. Just like a personal trainer at the gym helps you learn how to exercise and stay healthy for the future. We want to help you to learn to look after your mental wellbeing for the future and to be able to help others too.
We also work with parents and teachers to give advice and help. We share one goal which is to help young people develop, grow and maintain positive levels of wellness and wellbeing.
We can help children and young people aged from 6 upwards. Once you are 16 you can access the NHS funded service, prior to that we run a donation service where you can access our service directly. You have taken a huge step getting to this point. The next step is to contact us and make a referral.

If you are under 16...
Have an adult that is responsible for your care provide consent and help you to refer.

If you are over 16...
Self Refer with the online form found at the base of every page on our website or call: 0800 047 6861.